
Why Slay Dragons when you could be FISHING - A TTRPG Book for 5e

Created by IO Publishing

A comprehensive guide to fishing for your TTRPG World, featuring 100+ fish, compatible with all 5e systems!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

STRETCH GOAL PREVIEW : Fighter Subclass - Battle Angler! (And 100k bonus goal)
about 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 12:01:04 PM


We are already hard at work fulfilling unlocked stretch goals - including the Battle Angler!

Fighter - Battle Angler

  • This Fighter Subclass is all about Battlefield Superiority.
  • By rigging weapons - the Battle Angler is able to apply Reach to any weapon they hold.
  • The Battle Angler attacks with a cast of their weapon, allowing their attacks to crowd control their targets, granting them battlefield control.

We will be unveiling more during our Kickstarter period, so stay tuned!

Bonus $100k Stretch Goal

We've been working hard to make our next stretch goal, $100k, something real special.  

So, if we get to $100k - we will also be producing a limited edition WHY SLAY DRAGONS when you could be Fishing Dice Tray!  This will be a $20 from Fanroll, and you'd be able to purchase it as an add on or through the Backerkit Pledge Manager at the end of our Kickstarter campaign! We hope to have more to show soon!

Got any questions?

I'd love to answer any question you may have! Feel free to leave a comment on this post or on the project itself, or send a message - we are so excited talk more about what we are developing!  Thanks again for making our first Kickstarter *really* special!

Check out some other GREAT Kickstarter Projects!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 03:17:59 PM

Howdy everyone!

We got some exciting updates coming down the pipeline soon as we are already hard at work with our book, and our stretch goals! (art for the Fighter - Angler will be released here tomorrow!)

I wanted to take a moment to shout out the team over at MYTHCRAFT - they were super helpful with the knowledge we needed to setup a really cool Kickstarter.  

Mythcraft is A new TTRPG featuring complex character creation, rich combat, and a huge eon-spanning universe for those ready to graduate from 5e!

You can check it out HERE

Thanks for reading everyone!  There's been a lot off stuff happening over these past couple of days, but I'm excited to get into talking all about our project REAL soon with you!


Io Publishing is HIRING!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 01:04:29 PM


I wanted to take a moment to let you know that Io Publishing is ALWAYS on the look out for talent.  We are a group of passionate individuals who want to make a terrific TTRPG product for you!

Io Publishing is always on the look out for talented artists and writers!

If you are interested in taking part in future gigs with Io Publishing (on this project, as well as future products!) - please email:

✉️ [email protected]

Be sure to include:

  • Your discord handle
  • Portfolio/Examples of your work
  • Your current rates for commercial work

Thank you!

$80,000 Funded! All Subclasses Unlocked! (Future Project Updates)
about 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 07:37:20 AM

Thank you so much for your love and support for Why Slay Dragons!  We are super excited to work, and have a lot to show you on our journey.

With $80,000 reached - we have unlocked every subclass - one for each core 5e class!

Our next big goal is $100,000.  This will be where we start expanding our writing to different, high level environments - and dramatically increasing what's in the book.

We wanted to let you know how we will be updating moving forward, and what we will be giving our backers during this process.

  • We will be giving you guys updates as we reach stretch goals.  If we need to add more stretch goals, we will - as there feels like an endless amount of content we can offer you with this book, whether it's new environments, expansions on previously written environments, more fully illustrated fish, etc.
  • All of our Pledge Backers will be getting Early Access/Playtest material as we continue to develop and flesh out our WSD.  This will be similar to WotC's "Unearthed Arcana" - our Playtest Material will be copy only, and give you guys a chance to see what we are designing, and positively impact any changes that need to be made during it's development. Not only do we want to make sure we are remaining in communication with you - but we're just excited to show you what we're working on!!
  • We want to re-iterate that while we believe our release date is possible - there may be delays. With this being our first Kickstarter project - this very much is a learning experience, so mind or dust if we have to set stuff back.  We will be in frequent, informative communication with you, every step of the way. We will make sure you will receive content updates and regular pace so you will have some hands on content during this time.

Thank you for all of your inquiries and questions!  If you have any questions, PLEASE keep them coming!  I am very confident we will release a fun and awesome book for you all,  and want to clear up any questions you may have about our product!


$30 Pledge Add On Update
about 1 year ago – Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 11:42:54 AM

Hello everyone!

I've just been informed you cannot get add ons through our current $30 pledge.  That's my mistake (first time Kickstarter - lesson learned) - HOWEVER - we will be working with Backerkit, so you can order these post campaign!

I will be dedicating tomorrow to answer all of your questions, and creating an FAQ section. I'm unable to answer questions directly today - but they will be answered in the next few days!  

Thank you for your patience as all of this is a learning experience for me - we will get you all the answers and information you need VERY soon!