
Why Slay Dragons when you could be FISHING - A TTRPG Book for 5e

Created by IO Publishing

A comprehensive guide to fishing for your TTRPG World, featuring 100+ fish, compatible with all 5e systems!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backer Discord Server - Playtest #1 Subclasses June 7th!
about 1 year ago – Wed, May 31, 2023 at 11:36:24 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

WE DID IT!! (Hell Environment Stretch Goal Unlocked)
about 1 year ago – Thu, May 11, 2023 at 10:13:22 AM

And with that, our Kickstarter is DONE! And we met our next stretch goal just before it ended - the Hell Enviornment has been unlocked!! Thank YOU for making this happen!

Here are our plans moving forward.

  • Kickstarter will begin collecting funding from everyone who has pledged.
  • We will have a Backerkit setup up (very soon!) for those that missed the pledging period or wanted to get anything additional.
  • Shipping will be collected once we are ready to ship the books (for the most accurate shipping rate).  
  • Everything's ETA is April 2024 - but we are working hard to get this book to you as fast as we possibly can (and shall keep you updated the rest of the way). What we WON'T do is crunch down and rush our art and writing team. We want this book done right, not fast. 
  • Playtesting will begin in June with our stretch goal subclasses!  We may start a new discord for our backers so you can playtest what we are working on. We already have a TON written (lots still to review, with writers working currently on every environment - except Hell - which is coming up shortly!)

There is much to do, but I will pause today to take a breather. You have blown this Kickstarter out of the water - and for the first one - you have made it a most memorable one!  It's time for us to get to work, and we are excited to do it. Thank you again, and we will talk soon!


Less than 24 hours away!! Less than $10k from our next stretch goal!!!
about 1 year ago – Wed, May 10, 2023 at 10:12:49 AM

Hi everyone!

First, thank you so much for this project's love and support!  We are working super hard to have some playtest material for you in June after we've collected funding from Kickstarter!

We have just entered the last 24 hours of our Kickstarter, and we are less than $10k away from our next stretch goal - the Hell Environment!  

If you've already supported our Kickstarter, here are some ways to support it further.

  • If you are a $50 tier, you can upgrade to the $60 tier to get the PDF off the book as well! (A total value of $80!)
  • Pick up some add-ons to increase your pledge level.
  • Tell your friends and family this is our last day of funding!
  • We unlocked a new add-on - the WSD: Fishing Dice Tray! Remember, the "All In" tier does not cover this because the All In Tier was calculated without the Dice Tray!  You can edit your pledge to add to the dice tray still!

No matter how we end this, this has been a VERY SUCCESSFUL first Kickstarter!  This has been quite the learning experience, and it only means future Kickstarters will be even better!  Thank you again, and have a wonderful day!


STRETCH GOAL PREVIEW : Paladin Subclass - Oath of the Admiral
about 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 12:57:22 PM

The Oath of the Admiral calls upon those with the will to serve their peers and the authority to command them, who uphold duty above all else and have the force of character to be resolute where others would falter. 

The Oath of the Admiral includes the following Class Features:

  • Channel Divinity: Forceful Bellow
  • Channel Divinity: Press the Attack
  • Aura of Loyalty
  • Divine Lieutenant
  • Radiant Broadside

In addition, we're adding three new Smite spells to our book:

  • Corrosive Smite
  • Inspiring Smite
  • Unholy Smite

We're at the home stretch with only eight days to go!  Thank you so much for all you've given to this project - it has been an honor and pleasure working on this book for you!


STRETCH GOAL PREVIEW : Druid Subclass - Circle of the Tides
about 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 09:22:51 AM

  • This circle gains access to Aquatic Forms at 2nd Level - not only granting them access to creatures with swim speeds - but also the Beasts you transform into gain a swim speed and a better ability to hold their breath underwater!
  • Gain the power of the tides, as your spells can also push and pull creatures!
  • Powerful Aquatic Forms can even swim in the air, gaining a flight speed!

In addition, we've also created some new Druid Spells!

We'll only give the names for now - but we will have more to show you once our Kickstarter concludes!

  • Waterspout
  • Raging Torrent
  • Phantasmal Flood

Thanks for reading - we are excited to show you all more after the Kickstarter wraps up!  We are so GRATEFUL for over $100k in funds raised - thank you so much!

Until next time!
